The nursing team at SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital is distinguished by its high specialisation in child and adolescent care and women's health.
The nursing team at SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital is made up of highly qualified professionals who are an essential part of the centre's more than 2,200 employees. It is a diverse team that is highly committed to caring for children, adolescents, women and families. The nurses care for patients wherever they may be: in the hospital, at home, in special schools, etc. The team works together with the aim of improving every day, of offering maximum patient safety, of questioning itself, of innovating in treatment, and of caring in the most inclusive sense of the word.
Reference centre in children's nursing
We are a reference for others in the care of mothers, children and adolescents. We work as part of a network to generate and share knowledge. SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital is the only centre that specialises exclusively in pediatric and maternal care. As such, in addition to innovating and conducting research, it also offers training for nurses interested in caring for children and adolescents.
The care model is organised around comprehensive, individualised care adapted to the needs of each person we serve.
Comprehensive, individualised care
The care model is organised around comprehensive, individualised care adapted to the needs of each person we serve.
Thanks to the specialised and personal care offered by the centre, the objective is to help establish the hospital as a national and international benchmark based on values, commitment and professional skills.
The care process focuses on the patient and the family, and the nursing team accompanies them on their journey, providing them with tools and involving them in the decisions and activities to be carried out. All this is achieved through a training process that allows knowledge and experiences to be shared with patients and families who need to improve or control their health.
One of the purposes of nursing care is to promote the autonomy of the child and their caregivers, identifying the underlying problems and their origin and addressing their needs. This support is sometimes required until adulthood, in which case a transition process is planned and implemented jointly by an interdisciplinary and nursing team.
One of the purposes of therapeutic care is to ensure that no patient suffers pain during their stay at the centre or when they return home.
Pain-free Hospital Programme
One of the purposes of therapeutic care is to ensure that no patient suffers pain during their stay at the centre or when they return home.
The nursing team at SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital has devised a set of prevention and treatment initiatives that are carried out on a regular basis in all areas of the hospital. The hospital has an Interdisciplinary Pain Care Unit that works to prevent and minimise the pain and distress that children experience when they undergo painful procedures which, despite not requiring anesthesia, may cause them discomfort (treatment, catheterisation or the removal of a line).
These are initiatives that go beyond pharmacological treatment and act on emotions, such as fear and anxiety, which increase the perception of pain. It is estimated that around 30,000 patients a year may benefit from this programme.
The active role of the family during the procedures is essential to reduce the young patient's anxiety, so they are encouraged to be actively involved in the distraction techniques.
The nursing staff is made up of advanced practice nurses, clinical assistants and case managers, to name but a few, who respond to new needs and improve care.
Case management and new roles
The nursing staff is made up of advanced practice nurses, clinical assistants and case managers, to name but a few, who respond to new needs and improve care.
At SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital, we work to ensure that each professional involved in the care process performs functions and activities that add value to the care of patients and their families. A way of caring that is part of the centre's identity and which, hand in hand with values such as hospitality, make the treatment and care people receive at SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital truly unique.
In the current context, the needs of children, adolescents, women and families are changing, which is why nursing care and the way in which patients are cared for is evolving, always with the aim of achieving the best patient experience and clinical outcomes.
That is why the centre has been transformed with the creation of new nursing roles, each characterised by in-depth knowledge and experience in the specialised area of care. This includes expert clinical nurses, who care for people in acute situations, case management nurses, who provide expert and continuous care in chronic conditions or when there is a need for long-term care, and advanced practice nurses (APN), who, as well as being highly trained and experienced, are also experts in the dissemination of knowledge and research.
It is essential to guarantee that patients are in a safe environment both inside and outside the hospital, which is why we promote ways of working that are specifically designed to achieve this goal.
Quality and patient safety
It is essential to guarantee that patients are in a safe environment both inside and outside the hospital, which is why we promote ways of working that are specifically designed to achieve this goal.
The guidelines for consolidating quality and safety in care are as follows:
- Guaranteeing the identification of patients and verification before implementing any care activities.
- Minimising the onset of hospital infection by applying active prevention protocols.
- Preventing medication errors by employing different strategies or barriers.
A team of nurses and physiotherapists at Sant Joan de Déu offers children in special education centres the care they require and trains teachers and families in their care.
Referents in special education centres
The nursing and physiotherapy team at SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital provides comprehensive care for students attending special education centres in the province of Barcelona.
Their work ensures that these children are able to attend school despite having complex illnesses with high health needs.
The team's mission is:
- To care for these pupils who, due to their illness, have significant neurological, cognitive, developmental and learning disabilities.
- To train the teaching staff and families of these children in key aspects such as first aid, action in the event of drowning, epileptic seizures and allergic reactions, among others.
The nursing team in special education schools are also a bridge between the pupil and his or her family, the school and the health services. This enables individualised attention to be given to each pupil and facilitates constant communication between the schools and the health centres where these children are cared for.
Areas of experience in nursing care
The research carried out by the nurses at SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital focuses on the practice of care. The projects are aligned with the principal lines of development proposed by state and international agencies. The focus is on four main areas:
- Caring for children with chronic illnesses and their families.
- Training and empowerment of patients.
- Improvement of physical and psychological well-being.
- Process management.
Our professionals also work closely with different universities in Catalonia in the development of innovative products to improve the quality of care for children and adolescents, from monitoring systems to social robots.
Teaching activities
The Nursing Department coordinates the teaching of nursing students and professionals, guaranteeing compliance with the established training plan, teaching quality and the humanisation of care.
Specialised training
Approximately 80 undergraduate students, 240 graduate students, 50 master's students and 25 postgraduate students are guided and trained each academic year.
Resident Nurse Intern
The centre provides residency training for nurses and midwives who, year on year, choose SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital because it is the only centre in Catalonia that offers exclusive care to pediatric patients and women in all its aspects, from outpatient consultations to specialisation in the most complex conditions which, as a reference centre, we treat.
In addition to the clinical and research training regulated in the Spanish Ministry of Health's common Transversal Plan and the Generalitat de Catalunya's (Catalan Government's) Teaching Quality Plan, three free annual SJD training courses are given, along with the possibility of participating in other training activities, such as conferences and congresses.
Through the detection of needs and an annual training plan, our professionals are able to maintain their skills and apply the best practices in nursing care, both from a technical and human standpoint.
Training in nursing schools
SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital has agreements with nine Auxiliary Nursing Care Technician schools (TCAE) and with seven universities in Barcelona: Higher School of Nursing - Hospital del Mar, Universitat Blanquerna - Ramon Llull, Universitat de Vic, Universitat de Lleida - Campus Igualada, Universitat de Barcelona, Campus Sant Joan de Déu, University School of Nursing and Occupational Therapy of Terrassa - Tecnocampus. The agreements are for the practical training of undergraduate and graduate Nursing students, and the centre participates in the teaching of Nursing Degree students, as well as in TCAE Training Schools.
Partnerships with other centres
We offer an exchange programme with professionals from other centres, since knowing how other institutions work and sharing knowledge as a reference centre in pediatric nursing is enriching for our professional teams.
Training for families
Various training programmes have been promoted for parents, so that they can make the best healthcare decisions for their children.