Training stays for resident doctors and specialists of national and international origin. Check the registration process and regulations.
The SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital offers training stays in most of the hospital’s clinical units for health professionals in training (residents) or already graduates (specialists).
Rotations for training health professionals (residents)
These rotations are aimed at national or international residents, preferably third year or later, who wish to complete the specialized training of origin with an official external rotation stay in a center where they have technologies or assistance structures that they do not have in their origin hospital.
The duration of the stay is 1 to 4 months in the case of national residents. In the case of international residents, the duration is 2 to 4 months (by specialty) taking priority for stays that have a minimum duration of 3 months.
Training stays for qualified health professionals (specialists)
These stays are aimed at trained national or international professionals who want to access highly specialized training. The professionals who make a training stay have access to clinical activity and contact with patients. They can also perform specific techniques always under the supervision of those responsible for the service that receives them.
The duration of the stay for national specialists is specified in each case. The stay of the international specialists is from 1 to 6 months (extendable to 6 more months). These training stays, in the case of residents and international specialists, must be formalized through the Ministry of Health.
The teaching team manages the requests for stays and the requirements for certification, civil liability or other documents that are required. The petition procedure varies according to the nationality of the applicant. Choose the right route for you below.
Request for training stays for national professionals
For any of the resident specialties, applications will be accepted for a period of one to four months. In the case of specialists, the period will be specified according to each case. The request must be made using the form. Once received, the SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital will assess the request according to the teaching capacity and will give the timely response.
When making your request, you will have to indicate the date in which you wish to start and end the stay or rotation. Take into account for this the calendar of availability of the service. In the form you will find the dates in which there is availability to make the training or rotation stay.
The fact that a specific date is available in the calendar does not necessarily mean that the request is accepted. The Sant Joan de Déu Hospital will assess according to all the requests it receives and will give a response to each case.
Apply for your training stay (national professionals)
IMPORTANT: Please note that there are no more places available for the second semester 2024. The application form is temporarily deactivated. We apologise for the inconvenience.

Request for training stays for international professionals
This type of stay is addressed to specialists and residents who develop their professional activity abroad and must be authorized by the Health Ministry.
This permit is granted only to active professionals and has a maximum duration of six months, extendable only in some cases. It is essential to inform yourself on the website of the Ministry about the regulations that regulate these stays and the required procedures before carrying out any management.
IMPORTANT: Please note that there are no more places available for the first semester 2025. The application form is temporarily deactivated. We apologise for the inconvenience.
Location and instructions
The training or rotation will take place in the facilities of the Sant Joan de Déu Hospital. The first day of the formative stay or rotation, go to the Technical Secretariat of the Teaching Building, located on Floor 0 (Santa Rosa Street, number 39, 08950 of Barcelona); to manage the following administrative procedures before starting the stay:
- Signature of the confidentiality document (LOPD - Organic Law on Data Protection).
- Collection of the identification card.
Telephone of the Technical Secretariat: 00 34 93 253 21 19.
Contact email: hospitalbarcelona.docencia@sjd.es