‘My goal is to be there for patients and their families during one of the hardest times of their life, making sure they get the best care and quality of life possible.’
Expert in
Chronic kidney disease and transplant preparation, dialysis (hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis), arterial hypertension
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Spanish and English
During my pediatric residency, I discovered my passion for pediatric nephrology, leading me to focus my training in this field. I enjoyed physiopathology and the clinical side of things, but what I loved most was that vital human side. We treat chronic patients, so we see these children grow up and we form a close bond.
After finishing my residency, I worked in the Pediatric Nephrology Department at the Hospital Gregorio Marañón, and then in the Pediatric Nephrology and Kidney Transplant Department at the SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital, where I am now an associate consultant in the Day Hospital, for dialysis, chronic kidney disease and transplant preparation, arterial hypertension and cardiovascular risk.
I have been involved in the publication of several articles related to Pediatric Nephrology and I wrote three chapters in books on the specialism. I have given more than 30 presentations at national and international conferences related to pediatrics and pediatric nephrology, and I have acted as subinvestigator in several clinical trials that have been developed at our unit.
I am a full member of the Spanish Pediatric Nephrology Association (AENP), of the European Society for Paediatric Nephrology (ESPN) and of the International Pediatric Nephrology Association (IPNA). I have also been part of the European pediatric transplant network TransplantChild since 2021, as well as the ESPN work group ‘CKD and dialysis’ since 2023.
- Master's in Continuing education in hemodialysis for nephrology specialists, Complutense University of Madrid, 2024.
- Master’s in pediatric nephrology, University of Barcelona, 2023.
- Master’s in pediatric nephrology, University of Oviedo, 2022.
- University expert in Basic pediatric infectiology, Rey Juan Carlos University, 2018.
- Master's in Clinical Medicine, Camilo José Cela University, 2017.
- Graduate of Medicine, University of Seville, 2016.
Scientific activity
- Litiasis coraliforme y síndrome febril en paciente con daño renal de causa desconocida [Coraliform lithiasis and febrile syndrome in patient with kidney damage of unknown origin] Anales de Nefrología Pediátrica [Pediatrics Nephrology Annals] ISSN 2696-5801. 1 - 8, 02/2024.
- Paciente pediátrico con enfermedad renal terminal secundaria a litiasis y nefrocalcinosis por hiperoxaluria primaria [Pediatric patient with terminal kidney disease secondary to lithiasis and nephrocalcinosis due to primary hyperoxaluria]. Nefrología al día [Nephrology Today] ISSN 2659-2606. 12/2023.
- Rituximab en el Síndrome Nefrótico Pediátrico [Rituximab in Nephrotic Syndrome in Children] Anales de Nefrología Pediátrica [Pediatrics Nephrology Annals] ISSN 2696-5801. 1 - 2, 08/2021.
- Delayed growth and puberty in Gitelman syndrome. Medicina Clínica [Clinical Medicine] ISSN: 0025‐7753.04/2021.
- Associate professor on the Master’s in pediatric nephrology, University of Barcelona, 2024.
More news about Marta Jiménez
How to request a treatment in SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital
Our hospital is dedicated to comprehensive care for women, children and adolescents.