SJD at Home is an at-home hospitalisation programme for pediatric patients with acute disease. It is built on two key pillars: family and healthcare providers.
On the one hand, SJD at Home helps to train family members who sign up to the programme, so that they can perform the daily maintenance and caregiving that their child needs, as well as administering their medication.
On the other hand, it also facilitates patient follow-up with the pediatrics and nursing teams. These follow-ups will be carried out during at-home visits to the child in question, but, if necessary, follow-up can also be done at the SJD Barcelona Children’s Hospital facilities.
Who can sign up?
Patients who wish to join the SJD at Home programme must meet the following requirements:
- Live in the Barcelona Metropolitan Area.
- Have an available contact person, preferably the patient's caregiver.
- Have a 24-hour contact telephone number.
- Have their own means to travel to and from the Hospital if needs be.
The programme nurse is who assesses patient suitability. This nurse is also in charge of basic at-home maintenance and caregiving training, which the child’s caregivers would have to do.
How does SJD at Home work?
The multidisciplinary team consists of nurses, staff members from the Pediatrics and Pediatric Oncology Departments, support staff (such as administrative personnel), and referring pharmacists and bioengineers, among others. In particular, there is an oncologist, two paediatricians and four nurses.
On weekdays, programme staff tend to patients from 8:00 am until 6:00 pm. At the weekend and on holidays, the nursing team performs in-person care from 8:00 am until 3:00 pm, and telephone consultations from 3:00 pm until 6:00 pm.
From 6:00 pm until 8:00 am the following day, the Accidents and Emergencies Department is available for any incidents that may arise.
Caregiver training
Those responsible for caring for the child during their at-home hospitalisation will be fully briefed on the daily care the child must receive, as well as the medication that must be taken. They will also be given the materials and resources required to carry out these responsibilities.

SJD at Home in numbers
At-home visits
Total number of patients admitted in 2023
Average number of days spent at-home hospitalisation
Of patients come from ward hospitalisation
Things to keep in mind about at-home hospitalisation
At-home visits are scheduled based on the required treatment.
Oxygen therapy, parenteral antibiotic treatment, immunotherapy, early discharge, taking TBC samples and clinical observation.
Yes, the child must always be at their own home with their caregiver, following instructions issued by the medical team.
You must call the 24-hour telephone number and, if you have been instructed to do so by the SJD at Home team, attend the Accidents and Emergencies Department at the SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital.
The child is discharged when:
- There is a clinical improvement or treatment ends.
- The patient is admitted to the Hospital due to medical guidance, family wishes, or non-compliance with treatment.