Expert in
Maternal and child anaesthesiology
You will find me at
Castellano, catalán, inglés
After ten years training as a doctor and later as an anaesthesiologist at the Hospital Clínic in Barcelona, I knew I wanted to work with children from the first time I had the opportunity. Since then, I have taken advantage of all the possibilities that the SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital gives me to consolidate my career in this subspecialty, while at the same time developing my activity in the Women's Department, with a special interest in maternal-fetal medicine.
- Master in Paediatric Anaesthesiology. Universidad Francisco de Vitoria, 2022-2023.
- European Diploma in Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care”, Part I Examination, Barcelona 2021.
- International Diploma in Mountain Medicine. UIAA, CISA, ISMM. Huesca, 2019-2020.
- Specialist in Anaesthesiology, Resuscitation and Pain Medicine. Hospital Clínic de Barcelona, 2017-2022.
- Degree in Medicine and Surgery, Universitat de Barcelona, 2010-2016.
Scientific activity
- Anesthesia PraCtice for Cesarean DElivery Snapshot Survey (ACCESS study). Preliminary phase. Leader investigator at SJD barcelona Children's Hospital, 2022-present.
- PeriOperative ISchemic Evaluation-3 Trial" (POISE 3), 2018-2022. Colaborating investigator.
- Devereaux PJ, Marcucci M, Painter TW, Conen D, Lomivorotov V, Sessler DI, Chan MTV, Borges FK, Martínez-Zapata MJ, Wang CY, Xavier D, Ofori SN, Wang MK, Efremov S, Landoni G, Kleinlugtenbelt YV, Szczeklik W, Schmartz D, Garg AX, Short TG, Wittmann M, Meyhoff CS, Amir M, Torres D, Patel A, Duceppe E, Ruetzler K, Parlow JL, Tandon V, Fleischmann E, Polanczyk CA, Lamy A, Astrakov SV, Rao M, Wu WKK, Bhatt K, de Nadal M, Likhvantsev VV, Paniagua P, Aguado HJ, Whitlock RP, McGillion MH, Prystajecky M, Vincent J, Eikelboom J, Copland I, Balasubramanian K, Turan A, Bangdiwala SI, Stillo D, Gross PL, Cafaro T, Alfonsi P, Roshanov PS, Belley-Côté EP, Spence J, Richards T, VanHelder T, McIntyre W, Guyatt G, Yusuf S, Leslie K; POISE-3 Investigators. Tranexamic Acid in Patients Undergoing Noncardiac Surgery. N Engl J Med. 2022 May 26;386(21):1986-1997. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa2201171. Epub 2022 Apr 2. PMID: 35363452.
How to request a treatment in SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital
Our hospital is dedicated to comprehensive care for women, children and adolescents.